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juli 2022

Warmup 30" Front Rack Opener banded L30" Front Rack Opener banded R30" Air Squats30" Pigeon L30" Pigeon R30" Down Ups30" Kang Squats30" Plank hold Strength Basis + Points of performance Front SquatUitleggen + Oefenen Every 2'00 x 103 Reps Front Squat with a 5

Warmup 30" Inchworms30" Banded Goodmorning30" Banded Squats30" Spiderman L 30" Spiderman R Strength Skill Overhead SquatEvery 1'30 x 104 Reps with 3 second hold in bottom position Build in weight PartnerWOD AMRAP 16' First 6 rounds total in Relay: 8/10 Cal Bike Erg8M Front Rack Walking lunges

Warmup 30" Banded Goodmornings30" Down Ups30" Pigeon L30" Pigeon R Strength Skill Deadlift Basis + POP15 Minutes to build to a heavy 1 rep Max Every 2'30 x 5 3 Reps - Reset & Go @ 80% of 1RM WOD Donny 21-15-9-9-15-21 Reps, For Time Deadlifts

CAN YOU MAKE IT? 120/ 90 Calories Bike Erg / Row Every 3':75 Synchro Double UndersA1: 150M Double DB Overhead DB Carry (20/15)A2: 150M Double KB Front Rack Carry (24/16) RX: 150 / 120 Calories Timecap: 21' 5' Rest 5 Rounds of:5 Ring Muscle Ups /

Warmup 30" Banded strict press30" Spiderman L30" Banded goodmornings30" Spiderman R Strength Skill Strict Press6 minutes to build to 60% of 1 RMEvery 1'30 x 65 reps at 60% - Build in weight PartnerWOD "Time After Time" AMRAP 38'You go, I go. Switch

WARMUP 30" PVC Passtrough30" Sotts Press1' Kip Swings1' PVC Shoulder stretch SKILL Toes to bar 9 Rounds - TABATA 20/10- Hollow Rocks- Active Hang- Arch Rocks Drills:Kip Swing Jumping Kip Levers on BoxKnee Raises / Knees To Elbox / Toes To bar EMOM x 8-

Warmup 1" front rack opener1' Air Sqauts1' Pigeon 1' Down ups Strength 8' to build to 80% Front Squat Front SquatsEvery 2' x 5 5 Reps at 85% WOD Teams of 2 Buyin: 400M Synchro Double DB Front Rack Carry 4 Rounds for time:30M Double DB Front Rack Walking

Teams of 3 Warmup 30" Spiderman L30" Inchworms30" Spiderman R30" Air Squats WEIGHTLIFTING 16' to find a heavy rep of complex:2 Hang Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat Into: Max Set Squat Score = Reps x Weight x BONUS Bonus:Back Squat x 1Front Squat x 1,2Overhead

Warmup Strength Skill Squat Clean Basics + POP Every 1'00 x 61 rep Squat Clean - Build in weight Every 1'15 x 61 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean Points of Performance Push your knees back as you stand the bar up from the ground,

Warmup 5'1' Spiderman Hold 10 Banded Good Mornings10 Cossack Squats5 Down Ups Strength Every 1'20 x 86 Jumping Back Squats - Start at 25% & build up every set.Every 2' x 62 Back Squats - Start at 85% & build up every


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