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Author: Nick502

Warmup Strength Skill Squat Clean Basics + POP Every 1'00 x 61 rep Squat Clean - Build in weight Every 1'15 x 61 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean Points of Performance Push your knees back as you stand the bar up from the ground,

Warmup 5'1' Spiderman Hold 10 Banded Good Mornings10 Cossack Squats5 Down Ups Strength Every 1'20 x 86 Jumping Back Squats - Start at 25% & build up every set.Every 2' x 62 Back Squats - Start at 85% & build up every

Warmup 1:00 Active Spiderman0:30 Plank Shoulder Taps0:30 Cossack Squats0:30 Pigeon Pose (right side)0:30 Pigeon Pose (left side) Specific Warmup with an empty barbell3 Rounds5 Good Mornings5 Elbow rotations5 Front Squats 7' to build to 85% Front Squat Strength Skill Every 2' x 6 : Front Squat3

Specific Warmup 6'- 10 KB Press Unders - 10 banded Strict press - 30" Passive hang- 10 Banded Goodmornings - 5 Inchworms Skill TOES TO BAR Points Of Performance Position hands on the bar wider than the shoulderFull grip on the barStart hanging with arms

Niels: Je hoeft niet alles op te schrijven, gebruik wel alles als leidraad & om mensen alles aan te leren. Safety first + Technique on point before adding weight Warmup 30" Air Squats30" Pigeon Pose L30" Pigeon Pose R30" Glute Bridges30" Down

Warmup 0:30 PVC Passtrough0:30 Inchworm0:30 Pigeon Pose (right)0:30 Pigeon Pose (left) Specific Warmup 5 PVC Overhead Squats5 PVC Elbow Rotations5 PVC Snatch Balance Snatch Balance Complex Basics + POP Every 1'15 x 102 Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats PartnerWOD 14 Rounds in relay:15 Overhead Squats (30/40)9

Skill The Double Under Points of Performance The Rope is a whipGrip itHoogte van je SprongType sprong: Gestrekte benenEllebogen in positie houdenFeeling touw - Sla uit de polsPolsen net buiten heupRelax en ademen tijdens Tips: Neurological trainingSprong hoogteAdemZie hoe het moetBegrijp hoe een springtouw werktHoofd

Strength Skill Squat Snatch1. Basics + POP2. EMOM x 6: 2 Squat Snatches with 3 second pause in bottom position3. EMOM x 10: 1 rep - build in weight to a heavy rep POINTS OF PERFORMANCE Stand on feet with hip-width apartHands wide

Warmup 2' Row30" Pigeon L30" Pigeon R1' Row30" Active Spider Man L30" Active Spiderman R into: 5 Rounds with an empty barbell5 Good Mornings5 Elbow Rotations5 Pausing Back Squats Strength Skill 1 REP MAX BACK SQUAT Timecap: 16' Into:Every 2' x 44 Reps at 85% WOD WARMUP 2 ROUNDS 30"

Strength / Skill Power Clean: 15" to build to 75% into: EMOM x 62 Power Cleans - Reset every rep EMOM x 12 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean (80/55)Bar Facing Burpees Timecap: 12' POWER CLEANPointS of Performance Stand on feet with


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