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CrossFit Oostende

Strength / Skill

Power Clean: 15″ to build to 75%


EMOM x 6
2 Power Cleans – Reset every rep

EMOM x 12
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean



Power Clean (80/55)
Bar Facing Burpees

Timecap: 12′

PointS of Performance

  • Stand on feet with hip-width apart
  • Hands about one thumb’s distance from hips
  • Hook grip on the bar
  • Shoulders slightly in front of the bar at set-up
  • Lumbar curve maintained
  • Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate, then hips extend rapidly
  • Heels down until hips and legs extend
  • Shoulders shrug, followed by a pull under with the arms
  • Bar is received in a partial squat
  • Complete at full hip and knee extension with the bar in the front rack position

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