0:30 PVC Passtrough
0:30 Inchworm
0:30 Pigeon Pose (right)
0:30 Pigeon Pose (left)
Specific Warmup
5 PVC Overhead Squats
5 PVC Elbow Rotations
5 PVC Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance Complex
Basics + POP
Every 1’15 x 10
2 Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats
14 Rounds in relay:
15 Overhead Squats (30/40)
9 Wallballs (6/9)
6 Double DB Strict Presses (2×20/15)
Every 4′ Including the start: 10 Synchro Burpee Chest To Bar Pullups
Timecap: 36′